Friday, March 23, 2007

Christmas 2006

Oh knew it was is finally here. We had a lovely Christmas season, complete with a new tree and new ornaments. Enjoy...

To Be Continued......

God Bless,


Thursday, March 22, 2007


This is something I had to do for work last October. The theme was enchanted fairytale land. I actually had customers come up to me and ask if I professionally painted murals. Not bad, huh?

God bless,


Monday, March 19, 2007


About two months ago my brother and his finace' got engaged! I tell you, it is wedding central around here! Congratulations to Coleman and Karla, better known as Cola!
God Bless,

Jackson Journals

In his class, Jackson is apparently required to journal every day. I think they give him a sentence and he is supposed to try and write that sentence and draw a picture to match it. We got his journal thus far at the end of the last nine weeks. We were flipping through it when we noticed a particularly funny sentence that we are sure the teacher's didn't give him. I could not contain my laughter at what the teacher's thought when they read his journal and was quite surprised they didn't put some kind of smiley face or something on the paper. Without further is Jackson's sentence: "I can see a tent."

Thank God his picture showed that he really did understand the sentence, just not the spelling.
God Bless,

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thank Heaven for Big Brothers

Not long ago, we were all fixing to eat supper and we were all discussing who was going to say the blessing that particular evening. We all decided it was Jackson's turn to say the blessing, so we all bow our heads and listen. .....he thanks God for the trees, the house, our beds, etc. As we tune into Jackson's voice, we keep hearing this little distracting whisper. Wade and I break the rules and open our eyes and lift our heads and look at each other. We realize it is coming from Dylan's direction and change our focus to his voice, instead of Jackson's. As Jackson is now on "thank you for the animals, thank you for the car, thank you for my toys....Dylan is diligently tring to remind him under his breath....."Thank you for my brother....thank you for my brother....thank you for my brother!"
Thank you God for both of those precious boys.
God Bless,

Monday, March 12, 2007

Ring Bear

My sister is getting married this weekend and she is going to be the most gorgeous bride EVAH! I mean, just look at her.....

This is us, trying on dresses. She is the one with the great curves (and the bad tanlines) on the right. So, here we are, with our hair not professionally done, actually they are in rubberbands provided to us by the sales girl, she is all natural, she loves her freckles and barely puts on a coat of powder and she is still gorgeous, inside and out. She is a great person and is going to make a wonderful wife and life partner.

Now, this post is actually about Jackson. He was asked to be the ring bearer in their wedding. Well, actually, I told him he was going to be the ring bearer.
Jackson and I were discussing the fact that we had to go get him fitted for his tux one night at supper. He asked what a tux was and I explained that it was the suit he had to wear in order to be the ring bearer in Auntie Erin and Stinky Joseph's wedding.
Well, we went on about our supper business and were on another subject when Jackson looks up at me all sad. I said, "What is it Jackson?"
Jackson says in a very sad and tearful whisper, "Mom, does the ring bearer have to wear a bear costume?"
God love his little heart.....many pictures of this weekend to follow.......some time next year!
God Bless,

We Are Decent Parents

Although we did have Emma's official party on Thanksgiving Day, we did have a small party at home on her actual birthday too. Complete with a cake made by Dad, (isn't he sweet?) and presents. Oh yea, and lots of love for our Emma!

God Bless,

Still Catching You Up

This year...scratch that...last year, we had Emma's birthday and Thanksgiving on the same day. See, she was born on the 19th and come on, ya'll know how hard it is to get everyone together. Okay, I have been threatened to NEVER do that to my daughter again...and I won't...okay Melissa, I promise.

Never theless...that is what we did. Well, for Christmas, my aunt and uncle's present to my grandmother was a trip to Hawaii, a place she had never been. So my mother decided to get her a going away present and made sure it fit before she left. So, here are some pictures of the day. Enjoy!

God bless,

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Powder my Emma...

These are my hardwood you see the teeny, tiny footprints?

This is Emma, with baby powder on my hardwood floors...

Having the pictures to document the mess, so that I can use it in some form of blackmail later......priceless.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Definitely Belated Halloween--2006

Why do you see a Jack-o-lantern at the top of your screen in the middle of March? Because I have a life and it doesn't always include updating my blog. I really would like to work on this problem though. I think this could be the most belated post in history. I also think I officially have no readers left, except for Will and the occasional Zandria. Then there is that anonymous poster....For Halloween this year....scratch that (how do ya'll do that scratch out thing?) last year, my three angels were....Dylan (ninja, as always).....Jackson (Batman)....and Emma (a witch). She has yet to be something pretty and sweet for Halloween. No princesses and fairies here, no sir. Just stop by and tell me how cute they were!!!

Long hair, fake lashes, green face, broom and all. She is in NO WAY a witch!!!! Just look at that angel!

Now, who is THAT handsome devil?

Always the nimble ninja!

I think this is the third Halloween in a row that he has been a ninja, but, you know what, he is the most handsome ninja I know!

The Batman, the Witch and the Ninja---Coming to theatres soon!