Thursday, October 30, 2008

Round the Block

I had the "highlight of my year" last night with none other than New Kids on the Block!!!

We bought our tickets in June and couldn't believe how far away the concert was and how long we were going to have to wait.....forever!!!

All of a sudden, here it was...

Melissa loving Donnie.

Me and Jessica loving Jordan. I mean, look at him.

And Erin loving Joey.

Everyone has their favorites and our favorites DID NOT disappoint last night.

Jessica cried, Melissa and Erin danced and I found myself feeling a mix of emotions. Sad that this could be the last time we ever see them again (it kind of all depends on you), elated that I am seeing them again, nostalgic for old times when I worshiped them...okay, I am still a major fan, and high because they put on a great show. They worked it out! Big time. Did I mention that they are all still very hot...if not hotter!

I cannot wait to see them again! I am on an NKOTB high right now.

Thanks guys!

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