I hate that...I always feel that a black cloud is not far from me.
I hate that...I will NEVER feel that I measure up.
I hate that...I will NEVER be the favorite.
I hate that...there are things that I feel I have to keep secret.
I hate that...I have something on the tip of my toungue, but I can NEVER release the words.
I hate that...I will never be thin enough.
I hate that...I am an ugly crier.
I hate that...I worry what other people think.
I hate that...I try so hard, only to get little in return.
I hate that...he doesn't know how to love me.
I hate that...he drew a line in the sand...and then crossed it.
I hate that...he put a damper on my holiday.
I hate that...I am not Martha Stewart.
I hate that...he believes the lies.
I hate that...she won't leave me and my children alone.
I hate that...they think I am the problem.
I hate that...sometimes I think, maybe I am...the problem.
I hate that...I hurt...constantly.
I hate that...I can't give him what he wants.
I hate that...he so easily began believing a warped perception of me.
I hate that...my pride and wounds won't let me run to him and beg him to listen and remember who I am, not who he wants him to believe I am.
I hate that...this is eating at my heart.
I hate that...he got to him.
I hate that...she sat and looked me in the face and had a conversation with me and went home and called him.
I hate that...I am ugly.
I hate that...I can't keep up.
I hate that...I can't stand up for myself without breaking out into hives.
I hate that...I can't pick up and leave.
I hate that...I am alone.
I hate that...no one just. gets. me.
I hate that...my best friend isn't there for me.
I hate that...this world is self-centered.
I hate that...someone will read this and think I am being dramatic and emotional.
I hate that...I will never be the prettiest.
I hate that...I am me.
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