I started out shopping at Walgreen's, CVS, Riteaid, Publix and Kroger. Occasionally, I would find some deals at Target. I have since, shut out Walgreen's! (Waaaay too complicated and no one was on the same page as to how their rewards system worked.) They actually lost me over $2.00. Oh well, their loss. I will not include Kroger in any of my pictures because....this is where I do my main grocery shopping and I buy things there that aren't always the best deal. I will be posting my Publix, Riteaid and CVS shops for you and any other great deals I find.
I hope you enjoy and I hope it inspires you to see just how much money you can actually save.
For this shop, I bought some extra stuff because we are going to Six Flags in a couple of days and will need some sandwich stuff, snacks and drinks. Also, we are going on vacation next week and I wanted to stock up on some snacks and such for that also.
So, here we are at Riteaid. I know this does not look like a lot, but you have to realize, those two sunscreens right there, cost over $10 each.
The total for these items: $39.53
I paid OOP(Out Of Pocket): $12.21
Total Saved $27.32!!!
That is a savings of 69%!!! Not bad, not bad AT ALL! I will end up saving more in the end because everything I bought, has a rebate attached to it. I will receive my check at the end of the month. Sweet!
How did I do this? Well, the Stayfree were BOGO, the sunscreen was BOGO and the nuts were BOGO. I had $4.50 in coupons and I had a $5.00 gift card that I had earned from Riteaid. I can use the nuts for snacks on vacation and at Six Flags and we will need the sunscreen all summer with the fair child and all the baseball time spent outdoors. Of course, the Stayfree....well, who can't use that? Oh, right, men! I was very pleased with this shopping trip.
At CVS, you earn Extra Care Bucks or ECB's. I have to start fresh because when we were in a money slump this past month, my ECB's from my last trip exprired. Usually, you have a to pay nothing OOP or very little if you have some ECB's from previous trips, but alas, I am starting fresh.
Again, I am shopping for more stuff than usual here because of vacation and Six Flags.
The total for these items: $44.29
I paid OOP $25.74
Total Saved $18.55!!!
That is a savings of 58%!!!! Still over a 50% savings!! Woohoo!!! While I wasn't too excited about this trip, I still ended up coming out better than I thought.
This is how I did it. I had coupons in the amount of $3.00. The Softsoap body wash was BOGO. We go through body wash like water around here! I wouldn't have normally bought those magazines, but it had some coupons I needed in it. While you may be asking the same thing Wade did, "So, you had a to spend a dollar to get a coupon that saved you $.50?!", this is not so. The coupon was work $1.00 each AND it is a coupon magazine, so it will have other coupons I need in it. It has already paid for itself! On this trip I earned $6.00 in ECB, which I can use like cash on my next trip!
Tuesday I am going to hit Kroger, which unfortunately will be a big shopping trip because my stockpile is WAY low! I may hit up Publix this week, but still not sure. We will have to see what deals I find first.
Hope you enjoyed watching me SAVE!!!
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