Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Nothing to say....


I believe the roles of men and women have changed, although, the man never did EVERYTHING.

There is no such thing as getting ahead, when it comes to finances.

A most important lesson when you have multiple children, what you do for one, you must, must, must do for the other. Learn it.

People sometimes surprise me. In a good way.

Unfortunately, some people never surprise me.

Georgians go crazy when the weather man mentions the word s-n-o-w.

Hollywood is dying.

I want to know why I can't sale a cookbook with pictures from my own kitchen for $28 a pop, so that I could stay home with my babies.

I wonder if I will actually finish school.

I wonder what field I will go into if I do finish school.

Thinks Jackson's teacher is tough, but he has the funniest stories, which is good for the kids.

.....and, that is all I have to say about that.



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原名 Uma Karuna Thurman
英文名 Uma Thurman
國籍 美國
出生 1970年4 月29日 (1970-04-29) (39歲)
職業 演員
語言 英語
宗教信仰 佛教

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