My son...the dramatic one....Dylan...I never thought I would have to deal with this so soon.
There we are...driving home from school and the boys are asking me what we are having for snack. Well, just earlier that week, I had taken it upon myself to put us all on a more healthy lifestyle and I have made out menus for breakfast, lunch, AM snack, PM snack and supper. This shall all go into affect starting, don't mess with me...I will be without Coke, sugar and anything good to eat.
Anyways, there we are...on the way home from school and the boys are asking me what they can have for snack. "Can I have Spongebob fruit snacks? Can I have three peices of candy? Can I have a soda?"
Being the new good mom, I say, "No, I am picking your snack today. We are going to start eating healthy. I am putting everyone on a diet."
Dylan says, "A diet!!! That stinks! You don't get to eat good food on a diet! (This should all be said with a high-pitched whine)
Me, "Dylan it is good for you."
Dylan, "Ugh, You can't put me on a diet!!! IT'S MY LIFE!!!"
Friday, September 08, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
A Renewal

Some of you know about my "not wedding" situation and some of you don't. Basically, I didn't ever get to have a wedding. If you want me to explain in more detail, let me know, and I will go into the whole speil.
For my nine year anniversary, my mother and stepfather gave me a wedding magazine. With a lot of skeptism, I went along on the ride. Well, now the down payment on the venue has been placed, so it must really be happening.
I invite you all to check out our wedding website, even though it is a renewal, at Sign our guestbook.
We will be having the ceremony at The Marlow House, which is a beautiful Victorian era house, built in 1887. I want this ceremony to be as close to traditional as possible, even though this wedding, is as far from traditional as I can imagine. I am leaning towards a Victorian theme even. I am so excited.
I haven't picked out the first stitch of anything, not color, though I am leaning towards a purple, not a bridesmaid, not flower, just the place, that's it. I have a lot of planning to do before May 26, 2007. The main thing is the dress. I have the dress. The dress that I never got to wear. The only thing surprisingly that doesn't fit in it, is the top. I have to get to work on that, but I am just too damn tired to hit the gym when I get off of work. The rest of the time I have Emma. I really want to be able to wear that dress. The photos are equally important to me, as a matter of fact, probably the most important to me. The place is beautiful, my children are going to be gorgeous and my husband is going to be handsome and I want every moment captured on film, so that I can relive it time and time again. Lord knows I have waited long enough. I haven't made the guest list. Oh, we do have a caterer! Woo hoo. Only because it was included with the house. Anyways, I encourage you all to visit the websites and give me any ideas you may have. I promise to keep you updated as soon as any details come in.
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