Friday, September 08, 2006


My son...the dramatic one....Dylan...I never thought I would have to deal with this so soon.

There we are...driving home from school and the boys are asking me what we are having for snack. Well, just earlier that week, I had taken it upon myself to put us all on a more healthy lifestyle and I have made out menus for breakfast, lunch, AM snack, PM snack and supper. This shall all go into affect starting, don't mess with me...I will be without Coke, sugar and anything good to eat.

Anyways, there we are...on the way home from school and the boys are asking me what they can have for snack. "Can I have Spongebob fruit snacks? Can I have three peices of candy? Can I have a soda?"

Being the new good mom, I say, "No, I am picking your snack today. We are going to start eating healthy. I am putting everyone on a diet."

Dylan says, "A diet!!! That stinks! You don't get to eat good food on a diet! (This should all be said with a high-pitched whine)

Me, "Dylan it is good for you."

Dylan, "Ugh, You can't put me on a diet!!! IT'S MY LIFE!!!"


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