Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Renewal

Some of you know about my "not wedding" situation and some of you don't. Basically, I didn't ever get to have a wedding. If you want me to explain in more detail, let me know, and I will go into the whole speil.

For my nine year anniversary, my mother and stepfather gave me a wedding magazine. With a lot of skeptism, I went along on the ride. Well, now the down payment on the venue has been placed, so it must really be happening.

I invite you all to check out our wedding website, even though it is a renewal, at Maliaandwade.weddings.com. Sign our guestbook.

We will be having the ceremony at The Marlow House, which is a beautiful Victorian era house, built in 1887. I want this ceremony to be as close to traditional as possible, even though this wedding, is as far from traditional as I can imagine. I am leaning towards a Victorian theme even. I am so excited.

I haven't picked out the first stitch of anything, not color, though I am leaning towards a purple, not a bridesmaid, not flower, just the place, that's it. I have a lot of planning to do before May 26, 2007. The main thing is the dress. I have the dress. The dress that I never got to wear. The only thing surprisingly that doesn't fit in it, is the top. I have to get to work on that, but I am just too damn tired to hit the gym when I get off of work. The rest of the time I have Emma. I really want to be able to wear that dress. The photos are equally important to me, as a matter of fact, probably the most important to me. The place is beautiful, my children are going to be gorgeous and my husband is going to be handsome and I want every moment captured on film, so that I can relive it time and time again. Lord knows I have waited long enough. I haven't made the guest list. Oh, we do have a caterer! Woo hoo. Only because it was included with the house. Anyways, I encourage you all to visit the websites and give me any ideas you may have. I promise to keep you updated as soon as any details come in.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best wishes!!!!