Monday, March 12, 2007

Ring Bear

My sister is getting married this weekend and she is going to be the most gorgeous bride EVAH! I mean, just look at her.....

This is us, trying on dresses. She is the one with the great curves (and the bad tanlines) on the right. So, here we are, with our hair not professionally done, actually they are in rubberbands provided to us by the sales girl, she is all natural, she loves her freckles and barely puts on a coat of powder and she is still gorgeous, inside and out. She is a great person and is going to make a wonderful wife and life partner.

Now, this post is actually about Jackson. He was asked to be the ring bearer in their wedding. Well, actually, I told him he was going to be the ring bearer.
Jackson and I were discussing the fact that we had to go get him fitted for his tux one night at supper. He asked what a tux was and I explained that it was the suit he had to wear in order to be the ring bearer in Auntie Erin and Stinky Joseph's wedding.
Well, we went on about our supper business and were on another subject when Jackson looks up at me all sad. I said, "What is it Jackson?"
Jackson says in a very sad and tearful whisper, "Mom, does the ring bearer have to wear a bear costume?"
God love his little heart.....many pictures of this weekend to follow.......some time next year!
God Bless,


Anonymous said...

Pretty dresses! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! She's hot! And your sister ain't too bad either, LOL.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't kidding!