Monday, October 20, 2008


Emma is taking ballet classes and I try to challenge her by trying....yes...trying to do the steps myself.....okay, whatever, I am challening myself!

I have never taken a ballet class and have learned that is hard. It looks beautiful and graceful and flowing and like it takes nothing to do it, but I am here to tell you, there are black eyes and floods in ballet....well, when I do it there are.

I was torturing the children right after prayers for the night by trying to show them that I could do these teeny ballet jumps called.........teeny ballet jumps...I don't know the techinical term, something french, but anyways....I did them, or attempted, just as she does them here..........

Jackson immediately begins his gut laugh, holding his chest with both hands and barely can get the words out....."Mom, when you do those...ha ha ha ha ha.....your things right here...haaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa....they jump up and down.....haaaaaaa...haaaaaaaaa....haha....haaaaaa.haaaaaaaaa.....

Lord, the child would have died right then and there if he also would have known that I peed a little too....


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